35. The Angel of the Presence (Ex 23:20-33)

In this final part of the Covenant (Ch. 20-23), God explains the benefits of being His people.

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 23:20-33

God gave them three instructions about entering the land of Canaan and living there.

1) God will send (             ) to protect and bring them to the land. They needed to (           ) him. Then, God will be an (             ) to their enemies.

An angel, obey, enemy

Entering the land and capturing the Canaanite cities will depend on how much they obey the angel (or messenger) of God. Verses 21-22 repeatedly say that they should diligently obey the angel from God.

God promised to be an enemy of their enemies. God will stand by their side, always and what so ever. This is a more incredible promise than annihilating the Canaanites. 

2) They should not worship (                         ). They must serve only God, then God will (             ) their life, and they won’t lack anything.

the Canaanite gods, bless

The Canaanites served their gods for blessings. God asked the Israelites not to follow the way of the world in pursuit of prosperity but to serve only God. Then, God will bless them with all their needs, as in verses 25-26.

As we serve the Lord, all our needs will be met. We might not be rich but be satisfied with the Lord, not by wealth.

3) God will send his (              ) and (            ) before the Israelites. However, God won’t drive them all at once. They will cohabit with the Israelites for a while. God asked them not to make (            ) with the Canaanites lest they would follow the Canaanite gods.

 terror, hornet, a covenant

Here, the reason for not driving out all Canaanites at once is to keep the land not desolate.

Meanwhile, in Judges 3:1, the Lord left some Canaanites to test the Israelites who had not experienced the war.

Even incomplete conquest works for the goodness of His people. Unanswered prayer is also in God’s providence for our goodness.

Today's passage gives us three points, who are living in a world of Canaan.

- Don't fear the world. Obey Jesus, God's messenger, then victory is ours.

- Don't seek prosperity, or you will become a slave to money. Serve God only; you won't lack anything. 

- Don't rely on human relations, or you will be enslaved. Be courageous! His power and light will go before you.




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