37. Materials for the tabernacle and the Ark (Ex 25:1-22)

After making the covenant with the Lord, they needed to build the tabernacle that signifies the Lord’s residence among them.

Read πŸ‘‰ Exodus 25:1-22 and answer the following questions.

The Lord said, “From every person motivated by (                          ), you are to receive my offering. Let them make for (          ) a sanctuary so I may (          ) among them. According to all that I am (             ) you, you must make it (                ).”

A willing heart, me, live, showing, exactly so

The Lord accepts only voluntary offerings.

The tabernacle was the symbol that the Lord resides among His people.

God forbade us from making any image. But here, the Lord commanded Moses to make as it was shown to him. Any form or image used for God’s work might become an object of idolatry later: the snake of Moses or the temple itself. That’s why we should be very careful when making any form or image.

Any image, form, or ritual is temporary and valid until the real thing comes.


The ark was (      ) x (       ) x (       ) inches and contains (                   ).

45, 27, 27, the testimony

The Bible calls the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments ‘the testimony.’ The words in the tablets testify to who God is. And the stone tablets are the symbol of their covenantal relationship with God.


Where does God meet with his people? (22)

 The atonement lid

The words on the tablets would accuse everyone of sins. Therefore, when they approached God, the tablets should be covered and sprinkled with the blood of atonement sacrifice.

The law reflects God’s righteousness. It revealed God’s holiness and how sinners can approach God, which is salvation. He is righteous in keeping His promise and calls everyone righteous who comes to Him relying on the blood.


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