39. The Tabernacle (Ex 26:1-37)

Curtains that cover the holy place (or sanctuary) (1-14). Frames and bars to build the sanctuary walls (15-30). The veil and the entrance hanging (31-37).

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 26:1-37

The picture below is the linen curtain. The dimension was 42’ x 60’ (or 28 cubits x 40 cubits). What is the dimension of the goat hair curtain? (2-3, 8-9)



 45 x 66 inches



What is the dimension of a single frame?

15 feet x 27 inches

A special curtain will divide the Holy Place and (                            ).

 The Most Holy Place


Some passages in the Bible don’t attract our attention: genealogy, tabernacle, or offering sacrifice. They don’t seem to deliver any relevant message to us. How to read and interpret those passages?

People often skip such a passage or just skim through it. Another wrong approach is to overly interpret those passages with theology. For example, some pastors try to relate the passage of the tabernacle with Jesus Christ. Such an approach is not totally wrong, but too much is bad.

This is the basic rule for interpretation. Let the passage speak. If it explains something, focus and try to comprehend it. If it admonishes you with a command, humbly submit to it. If it points out your sin, repent. If it contains praises of the old saints, join their praise.

Today's passage explains what the Lord commanded Moses to build the tabernacle. Thus, we try to comprehend the design of the tabernacle. 

Not all passages contain direct commandments, but they all help us understand and believe in God. God speaks; thus, we listen. Keep reading and having the Word in your life to know more about God so that when you stand before His presence, you might not be embarrassed by finding out He is different from Whom you have known.


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