41. The Garments of the Priests (Ex 28:1-29)

Moses is still on the mountain listening to the Lord’s instructions. So far was about the tabernacle. Now comes the priests’ clothing.

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 28:1-29

They wrote the names of the 12 tribes of Israel on stones. Each name was written two times. How many stones are used in total?


14 stones

Two on his shoulder and twelve on the breastpiece (breast plate)


Aaron will bear their names before (                 ) on his (                     ).

The Lord, two shoulders


Aaron will bear the names of the sons of Israel in the breastpiece of (            ) over his (               ) when he goes into (                    ), for a memorial before the Lord (                 ).


Decision, heart, the Holy Place, continually

Aaron will represent the twelve tribes before the Lord and plead for them. He will be carrying the burden of people’s sins before the Lord. That’s why when the high priest dies, the unintended murderer was released from the guilt of his mistake and able to return home.

Aaron will have the names of the tribes on his shoulders which bear the weight and symbol of office (see Isa 9:622:22), and over his heart (implying that they have a constant place in his thoughts [Deut 6:6]). Thus he was to enter the presence of God as the nation’s representative, ever mindful of the nation’s interests, and ever bringing the remembrance of it before God (S. R. Driver, Exodus, 306).

The twelve jewels represented the twelve tribes. God later called the Israelites His jewels (Mal 3:17).


Jesus is our high priest. He carries the burden of our sins and always has us in His heart before the Lord.


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