45. Altar of Incense, Ransom money, Bronze Laver (Ex 30:1-21)

After explaining the priests' garments and installment procedure, the Lord resumes talking about the furniture in the tabernacle and its court: the altar of incense and bronze laver. This order is not odd, for the Lord has been telling priestly duties. In chapter 30, the Lord explains how to keep the incense burning, the ransom money for the tabernacle maintenance, the laver for washing, and making anointing oil.

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 30:1-21

God said, “Put the altar of incense in front of the curtain before (              ) where I will meet you” They are to offer the incense offering morning and evening throughout (                 ).

The atonement lid, generations

In verse 6, God specifies the altar is to be put before the atonement lid. Not just before the curtain or the ark of the testimony.

What did the incense offering mean?

In Leviticus 16, on the Day of Atonement, the high priest was to take a censer and burn incense as he entered the most holy place. The smoke will cover the atonement lid so he won’t die (Lev 16:12-13). The incense smoke might represent our humble and reverent heart before Holy God.

And such an attitude brings out a ceaseless prayer before God. The offered "fragrant incense" symbolizes prayer that ascends to God (Rev. 5:8).

Every Israelite, 20 years old and over, was to pay a flat fee of (              ) during Israel's census to maintain (                ).

A half-shekel, the tabernacle

In those days, such plagues they had seen during the Exodus would drastically reduce a nation's population. 

Their nation was a theocratic nation. Their King, God, was expected to protect His people from enemies and plagues. This ransom money showed their appreciation to their King, for they had survived.

And the tabernacle was the symbol of a theocratic nation. Thus, the ransom money will be used for the tabernacle maintenance.

This will become the temple tax in Jesus’ days. 

The Lord spoke to Moses, “Make a large bronze basin with a stand and put it between (                        ) and (                   ). Priests should wash their hands and feet so that they (                ).”

The tent of meeting, the altar, won’t die

Even priests died when they didn’t wash their hands and feet.



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