46. Willing Artisans & the Sign of Sabbath (Ex 31:1-18)

The Lord chose them and enabled them to make everything as the Lord had commanded. This is the last chapter of Chapters 25-31 which the Lord called Moses up to the mountain and commanded about the tabernacle.

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 31:1-18

What did God do to prepare or help his workers for making the tabernacle and its furnishings? (2, 3, 6)

 He chose Bezalel, gave him co-workers, and gave them ability and skills


Three leaders cooperated to build the tabernacle. (           ) was the agent who received the work order from God. (           ) designed the work process and directed the project, and (              ) was in charge of implementation.

Moses, Bezalel, Oholiab

God didn’t one man, Moses, manage this project. He gave each leader different talents and roles. God didn't call up to the mountain all the workers at once and show them the plan of the tabernacle, but let them hear from Moses. The project won't succeed unless they trust each other. This is God's providence.

It is the same for the church. Everyone is given different talents but works for one God in one Spirit. Thus, the glory of Jesus Christ, the head of the church, is revealed, not an individual glory.


What is the sign of Israel’s being God’s chosen people? (13, 17)



Keeping the Sabbath law is more important than completing the Tabernacle as soon as possible. Sometimes we run frantically in our thoughts without asking God's will for the successful completion of God's work. Doing in God's ways is more important than finishing quickly. It is more important to obey well than to make it well.

Here, keeping the Sabbath is not-doing any work. This Sabbath Rest distinguishes us from the world. Other religions require their followers to do certain rituals or religious works as the mark of their faith. But, our God requires the Sabbath Rest as the sign of our faith.  

In other religions, salvation comes through human righteousness and thus demands human labor. However, in Christianity, salvation comes through God's righteousness. Seeking His righteousness demands self-denial. Taking a rest in this busy world demands our self-denial and trusting the Lord.

Jesus said, 'If you love one another, they will know you are my disciples.' Love is the sign of Jesus' disciples.


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