50. I will Show Mercy to whom I will show mercy (Ex 33:1-23)

As Moses prayed for the Lord’s presence more than the land of Canaan, the Lord revealed He was the God of mercy.

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 33:1-23

Even though the Lord had confirmed again that He would give the land to them, they were not happy. Why? (2-3)


Why did the Lord say not to go with the Israelites? (5-6)


What distinguishes the Israelites from other nations? (16)


“I will be (              ) to whom I will be (              ); I will show (             ) to whom I will show (             ).”


Answers and Meditation

They cried because the Lord would not go with them.

The Lord said that Moses had brought them out of Egypt (1). The Lord is not happy with them.

The Lord would still keep His promise of the land without His accompaniment. They realized the land of Canaan would not be a blessing without the Lord.


The Lord would destroy them, for they were stiff-necked.

Removal of ornaments implies the attitude of repentance and the rejection of idol images. In those days, ornaments had the images of pagan gods.

God wanted to see their attitude of repentance.

Digression in verses 7 – 11 shows Moses’ special relationship with the Lord. He talked with the Lord, face to face. Based upon this relationship, Moses starts his plea for the Israelites.


The Lord’s being with them.

Moses wanted the Lord to be with them more than to possess the land. Having the land was fulfilling the promise, but the Lord’s being with them was being given the Lord's favor. 

Do you want Jesus more than anything in this world? ‘Emmanuel’ – God with us - distinguishes us from the world.


Gracious, gracious, mercy, mercy

Moses got favor from God. The text repeats ‘favor’ five times. (12,13,16,17) Because he experienced the God of mercy, he could plea to God based on His mercy. Now, this mercy is also given to the Israelites. And this is totally God's sovereign decision to whom He will show mercy. Therefore, we should pray for our friends and families, “Show your mercy to them so that they would seek it.”

As they sought the Lord Himself more than the land, the Lord granted Himself to them by forgiving their sins. Thus, the Lord revealed His new character: the God of mercy. This is what “I will proclaim the LORD by name” means.

Whenever we seek the Lord, not His blessing, He doesn’t disappoint us and show us His awesome attribute.

 At the beginning of chapter 33, the Lord didn’t want to go up with them. However, when Moses prayed for the Lord’s accompaniment based on His mercy, He accepted his request.

There is a difference between God’s forgiveness and human forgiveness. Human forgiveness is to pardon a specific incident of sin. If you commit the same sin after being forgiven, you need another forgiveness for the new one. However, when God forgives us, God accepts us as we are, though sinful. Thus, God provides a way for us to live with God without being condemned. He will forgive our sins without limit because He already has accepted us as His children. But don’t exploit His grace. 

Though sinful, when they wanted to be with the Lord, He accepted them as they were and provided how to be with the Lord as sinners. Thus, He laid down His life on the cross to stay with us by cleansing our sins. 


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