56. Things in the Holy Place (Ex 37:1-29)

The Ark of the Covenant, the Table for the bread, the Lampstand, and the Altar of Incense

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 37:1-29

What materials did Bezalel use for the Ark?


What was the purpose of the poles? (4, 14)


The atonement lid and the lampstand were made with pure gold elaborately. How did they form those shapes? (7, 17)


Compare 25:31-39 (the Lord commanded Moses how to make) with 37:17-24 (Bezalel made). They are almost identical. What message would this repetition say?


Answers and Meditation

Acacia wood and gold


To carry


They hammered the gold to form the shape.

Cherub (Χ›ְּΧ¨Χ•ּΧ‘): a name for one of the unearthly beings who directly attend to God. Cherubim is the plural of Cherub.

Angels are the ones who are sent by God to humans.

 The Lampstand was hammered from one piece of gold, making it seamless and requiring the utmost skill to craft its exquisite shape.

Bezalel made as the Lord had commanded Moses.



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