59. Inspection and Set up of the Tabernacle (Ex 39:32-40:16)

Moses inspected the work and set up the Tabernacle, and anointed it. He also anointed Aaron and his sons. This is the very start of the priesthood.

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 39:32-40:16

Find verses that say they made all things as the Lord commanded through Moses (three).


When did the LORD tell Moses to set up the tabernacle?


The Lord ordered Moses three things: to set up the tabernacle (verses      ~        ), to anoint the tabernacle (verses     ~       ), and to anoint Aaron and his sons as priests (verses     ~      ).

This is what Moses did, according to (          ) the Lord had commanded.

Answers and Meditation

32, 42, 43

‘They did it exactly so.’

Note that the long list of items (33~41) is enclosed by ‘according to the Lord’s commands’ of verses 32 and 42 ~ 43. This passage emphasizes that everything was made according to the Lord’s commands.


1st day of 1st month of the 2nd year of Exodus

They made the month of exodus the first month in their calendar. It has been almost one year since their exodus.


2 ~ 8, 9 ~ 11, 12 ~ 15

Before the priests were anointed and installed, Moses did everything. Moses set up and anointed the tabernacle and the first high priest and the priests.



The Bible keeps saying this.

Moses was the agent of God. That means God Himself anointed the priest and inaugurated the priesthood. It is to live among them and to communicate with them.

The Lord specified the way we approach Him. Any different way will lead us to idolatry. 


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