60. The Lord’s Glory Fills the Tabernacle (Ex 40:17-38)

An amazing thing happened as they made and set up the tabernacle just as the Lord had commanded.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Exodus 40:17-38

Find verses saying, ‘just as the Lord had commanded.’ (seven)


Name the things (1 to 5) in the picture

What happened when they finished setting up?

Answers and Meditation

19, 21,23,25,27,29,32


1: the Ark of the covenant.

2: the Table of Bread.

3: the Lampstand.

4: the Altar of Incense.

5: the Water Basin


The cloud covered the meeting tent, and God's glory filled the tabernacle.

As they followed the instructions of the Lord and built the tabernacle, the Lord came down and took his residency among them. This is the purpose of our salvation: Immanuel, God’s being with us.

The Lord guided their journey with the pillars of clouds and fire. The Lord is not hidden from us unless we disobey Him. All the Israelites could sense the Lord’s presence clearly (in plain view) and always (throughout all their journeys).


The Lord wants to stay with us. As we fully obey His words, we will experience His presence.


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