02. Grain (meal) Offering (Lev 2:1-16)

The grain offering was either flour, baked bread, or fruit.

πŸ‘‰ Read Leviticus 2:1-16

How often does the Bible say ‘no yeast’ for grain offerings?


The priest would burn some of the offerings on the (            ) with other fire offerings. The rest of the offering belongs to (                  ). They should put (            ), (           ), and frankincense in the grain offering, but yeast and (            ) were forbidden.

After burning a part of it on the altar, the priest's portion from the grain offering was most (             ).

Answers and Meditation

Four (4,5,11)


Altar, priest, olive oil, salt, honey



Because it had been offered to the Lord, it was the Lord’s. Then, it was given to the priest as a gift from the Lord.


In Hebrew, the word ‘offering’ is not repeated as in English translations, like burnt offering, grain offering, or peace offering.

Burnt offering: Χ’ֹלָ֤Χ”  (‘ola’) Lifting up

Grain (meal) offering: Χ§ָΧ¨ְΧ‘ַּ֤ן מִΧ ְΧ—ָΧ”  (Korban Minhah) offering of tribute (gift)

Peace offering: Χ–ֶ֥Χ‘ַΧ— Χ©ְׁלָמִ֖ים  (Jehab Shalom) sacrifice of peace

Sin offering: Χ—ַטָּ֖אΧͺ  (Hatath) sin

Guilt offering: Χ”ָאָΧ©ָׁ֑ם  (Haasham) the guilt (offence)

Such terms give us insights. Burnt offering and grain offering are being given to the Lord as offerings. Peace offering is to celebrate reconciled relationship with the Lord and among His people. Its original name, 'sacrifice of peace,' tells that sacrifice is required for peace (shalom). Sin offering and guilt offering are not offering in fact. They are obligations for those who sin.


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