03. The Peace offering = Sacrifice for Peace (Lev 3:1-17)

 Its literal translation is ‘sacrifice of peace (shalom).

πŸ‘‰ Read Leviticus 3:1-17

For peace-offering sacrifice, they can present flawless (          ) or (            ) from the herd or the flock. The priest must offer up the fat portion and kidneys in smoke on the altar atop the (                 ) as a (          ) gift to the Lord.

All the (           ) belongs to the Lord. You must never eat any (          ) or any (           ).


 Answers and Meditation

Male, female, burnt offering, food


Fat, fat, blood


From the name, ‘Sacrifice for Peace,’ we can say that a sacrifice is required to bring shalom (peace) between God and us.

Peace relationship is confirmed through eating together. While the fat portion is burned on the alter, the smoke is counted as ‘food’ for the Lord. The original word for ‘food gift’ (verse 11) is  Χœֶ֥Χ—ֶם אִΧ©ֶּׁ֖Χ”  (lehem eeshe) which means the bread of fire-offering. It was given in smoke to the Lord as his bread. And people will eat together the rest of the sacrifice animal. Thus, all participants for the feast, the Lord and His people, enjoyed the peaceful fellowship.  

In the three paragraphs that describe peace offerings of different animals, the offering of the fat portion is emphasized repeatedly in lengthy sentences. Verses 3-5, 9-11, 14-16. And verse 17 gives warning not to eat the fat or the blood. It is not theirs, but God’s.

Such a peace offering reminds us of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the holy communion. His sacrifice brought peace among us and with God.


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