10. Instructions for the Israelites (Lev 7:22-38)

This section is the last part of the instruction about the offering sacrifice of 6:8-7:38.

πŸ‘‰ Read Leviticus 7:22-38

Which part of animals were forbidden to eat? (two)


Who was to bring the fat portion of the peace offering to the priest?


The (              ) belongs to the priests, and the (                   ) belongs to the presiding priest. They are given by (            ) as their portion.


answers and Meditation

Fat and blood

Fat and blood were given to the Lord as gifts. Even of the animal that is killed not for sacrifice, the fat was not allowed to eat.


The offeror

The Bible keeps saying, ‘he must bring.’

‘With his own hands’ (30): The offeror distributed each part accordingly. Fat to the Lord, the breast and the right thigh to the priests as a wave offering (Tenupah) and a contribution offering (Terumah: lifting up). Both are gifts from God to the priests.


Breast, right thigh, God

Verses 33-36 emphasize that it was their perpetual allotted portion.


Verses 37-38 summarize 6:8-7:36. “This is the law” for the offerings. Here the Hebrew word Torah ΧͺּΧ•ֹΧ¨ָΧ”  means ‘law’ or ‘ instruction.’ The Law of God gives us instructions on how to live.


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