13. Inauguration of Tabernacle worship (Lev 9:1-24)

After they had finished the seven-day ordination procedure, Aaron and his sons started their ministry as the Lord’s priests on the eighth day.

πŸ‘‰ Read Leviticus 9:1-24

Aaron presented (             ) as his sin offering and (             ) as his burnt offering. People presented (             ) for their sin offering and (            ) and (             ) for their burnt offering. They also brought an ox and a ram for (                ) offerings, and a grain offering.

How many times do you read ‘just as the Lord has commanded”?


What would they expect in offering these sacrifices? (4, 6, 23)

After all these offerings, Moses and Aaron went into the Meeting tent (Tabernacle). As they came out, what happened?


 Answers and Meditation

A bull calf, a ram, a male goat, a calf, a lamb, peace

The burnt offering implies the dedication of the offeror to the Lord. They offered sin offering, burnt offering, and peace offering. This shows the order of our spiritual life. Confession and repentance of our sins, the resolution to dedicate our life, and then, we can enjoy fellowship with the Lord. Without the blood of Jesus, the Lord would not accept your service. You cannot have daily fellowship with the Lord without surrendering your life to the Lord. And also, a peaceful fellowship with other people is impossible without your surrender to the Lord because your un-surrendering heart will cause conflicts with their un-yielding hearts.

 Three times: verses 5, 10, 21.


Appearing of the Lord’s glory

Moses also reminded Aaron that the priests to keep the Lord’s instruction with Aaron and his sons. (6-7)

They experienced the miraculous fire from the Lord. This would be our expectation and prayer for our regular services. As we follow His instructions in our daily life, we will see His glory.

However, as Nadab and Abihu violated the Lord’s commands, the same fire consumed them. They saw the Lord’s anger.

 “The Lord’s glory” (23): accepting their sacrifice and blessing His people through His chosen priests. This is what we can expect when we obey the Lord's commandments.

Fire from the Lord’s presence consumed the offerings.



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