22. Purification of Disease-infected houses (Lev 14:33-54)

They needed to repair or demolish the disease-infected houses according to this procedure.   

πŸ‘‰ Read Leviticus 14:33-54

The owner of the infected house should report to (               ). He will examine the house after (              ) it. If there are symptoms of infection, he orders to (                ) the house for even days. If the infection is spread after seven days, they should remove the infected (             ) and scrap the whole house. They will replace the stones and (               ) the house.

If the infection returns after this repair, what do they do?


For purification of the house, they sprinkled (                  ) together with fresh water over the house (           ) times. They used cedar wood, twigs of (           ), a scrap of crimson fabric, and (               ) to sprinkle. Then, they send the live bird (          ).

Answers and Meditation

The priest, clearing, quarantine, stones, replaster


Tear down the house and bring all of it outside the camp

God doesn’t want any uncleanness to stay in their midst.


The blood of a bird, seven, hyssop, a live bird, away

The purification procedure for a house is the same as for a man healed from skin disease. The sending away implies removing the uncleanness from among them.

There are no atonement rituals for the house, only for people. They were God’s special possession and thus holy. Because their uncleanness had offended the Lord, they should offer offerings for atonement.


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