24. Uncleanness of female discharge (Lev 15:19-33)

A woman with a discharge will be unclean. 

πŸ‘‰ Read Leviticus 15:19-33

When the discharge is blood from her body, she must be in her menstruation (          ) days.

When the blood flows for many days, not during menstruation, she is unclean as long as it flows. When it stops, she must count off for herself (           ), and afterward, she will be clean.

Like the case of male discharge, anything she (          ) on or (            ) on will be unclean.

Why is this purity regulation so important? (31)


Answers and Meditation





Lies, sits

Anything that was under her became the agent of uncleanness.


They might be killed when they defile the tabernacle in their impurity.

Being unclean is not a sin. But not properly dealing with own impurity is a sin.

We sin because we are sinners. Being humble to confess and ask for forgiveness when one's sins are revealed is an appropriate way to deal with them.


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