26. The Day of Atonement 2 (Lev 16:20-34)

 The Lord made it a perpetual statute to keep the Day of Atonement on the 10th day of the 7th month.

πŸ‘‰ Read Leviticus 16:20-34

Aaron is to lay his (        ) hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it (      ) their iniquities and (     ) their transgressions. The goat is to bear on itself (      ) their iniquities and be sent away to (              ). 

Aaron then must enter the (                ), take off the linen garments, (          ) his body, put on his clothes, and come out to make (           ) offerings.

“This is to be a (              ) statute for you. On this day, you must (             ) yourselves and do (            ) of any kind, for (              ) is made for you.”

The high priest is to purify (                 ), the Meeting Tent, and (            ) and make atonement for (               ) and for (              ).

Answers and Meditation

Two, all, all, all, the desert

The Bible emphasizes the live goat takes ALL their sins away to the wilderness, far away from God.

Azazel: The etymology of this Hebrew word is obscure.

The Azazel goat served as a ritual "garbage truck" to purge the Israelite community of moral faults through a process of transfer and disposal. In a book of Jewish teachings, the Mishna, the goat was taken out to be pushed off a cliff. It was dashed to pieces before it made it halfway down the cliff.

Meeting Tent, wash, burnt


Perpetual, humble, no work, atonement

To attend this ritual of atonement, a humble heart is required, admitting your sins and not doing any work.

Humble yourself: literal translation = “you shall afflict yourselves.

"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart." Psalm 51:17

Jesus also told us to have a heart of self-denial.


The Most Holy, the alter, the priests, all the people

This is the purpose of the Day of Atonement. The Bibel repeatedly say this (verses 16-19, 33-34)

The two goats represent the two aspects of the atonement that God provides. Both animals taught us that a sinless agent removes our sins by vicarious atonement. The slain goat represented the judgment on sin that resulted in death, which was necessary for atonement. The goat sent off into the wilderness, with the sinner's guilt imputed to it, symbolized the removal of guilt. (The removal of the consequence of the sin: broken relationship with God.) In Hebrew, "scapegoat" is Azazel. Some interpreters see Christ represented typically in the two goats: one as dying for our sins and the other as rising again for our justification (or righteousness: rightful relationship with God). – Tom Constable’s note

Eating of sin offerings implied the presiding priest identified himself with the sacrificed animal and pleaded the forgiveness of their sins as a mediator. 

Sending away the Azazel goat shows the removal of their guilts from their presence and God’s presence.

Such pleas for redemptive atonement were consummated by the crucifixion of Jesus and approved by God by raising Him up from the dead.


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