29. Holiness of Life: I am the Lord your God - 1 (Lev 19:1-19)

A list of twenty-one (3x7) laws is broken up into smaller units by the sevenfold repetition of the phrase 'I am the LORD (your God).'

πŸ‘‰ Read Leviticus 19:1-19

"You sall be (           ), for I, (                     ), am holy. Repect your (             ) and keep my (               ). Do not worship (            ).”

Why is the one who eats the peace offering on the third day cut off from the people? (8)

Why should they leave the harvest at the corner of their fields?

You should not say bad words in Korean in front of those who can’t understand Korean. What verse might relate to this?

How often does God say, “I am the Lord your God” in verses 1-19?

Answers and Meditation

Holy, the Lord your God, parents, Sabbaths, idols

These laws summarize the Ten Commandments and become the foundation of the holy life.


Because he has profaned what is holy to the Lord

We are God's children and holy. If we profane ourselves, God will not be happy.


You must leave them for the poor.

It is to give them to glean it by themselves instead of giving them directly.


seven times: 3,4,10,12,14,16,18

The Lord’a name and His character should be reflected in our lives. His justice (verse 15) and love (verses 16 – 18) should be in our daily lives.

Also, God doesn’t want to mix two different kinds (verse 19). It is against God’s creation order.


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