34. Rules for the priests: check animals flawless (Lev 22:17-33)

The priests check the animals to be flawless. “It is to be acceptable for your benefit.”

πŸ‘‰ Read Leviticus 22:17-33

The priest should check and make sure the offering is flawless. Find four verses saying, ‘acceptable for your benefit. 

Why do you think they needed to wait seven days for a newborn animal to be accepted as an offering? 

Because the Lord dwells among the (             ), they should be careful not to (            ) His holy name. Because the Lord brought them out of (             ), became their God, and (            ) them, they must keep His commandments. (31-33)

Answers and Meditation

Verses 19, 20, 25, 29

They should check the offering animals are flawless. If a flawed animal is offered, the offering will not be accepted by God, nor will the offerer and the priest. This is because the priest and the sacrifice stand together in front of God to atone for the people's sins.

A flawed offering cannot atone for their sins, so the sacrifice will do them no good.

Though they had brought a flawless animal from their flock, the priest checked them again. We have to check ourselves as we come to the Lord in worship.


They needed to check if it was flawless



Israelites, profane, Egypt, sanctifies

They should honor the Lord through their obedience. Our disobedience will defile the name of God. Pauls says,
“the name of God is being blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” (Rom 2:24)  


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