36. Seasons and Feasts - 2 (Lev 23:23-44)

Three feasts are in the seventh month.

πŸ‘‰ Read Leviticus 23:23-44

Tell the dates. The Feast of Horn Blasts ( 7/1 ). The Day of Atonement (        ). The Feast of Temporary Shelters (         ).

On the Day of Atonement, you must (            ) yourselves, come to a holy assembly, and do no (         ). Any violator will be (            ) from his people.

For the Feast of Temporary Shelters, you must celebrate a (                   ) of the Lord for (         ) days.

What is the reason they stay in temporary shelters?

Moses spoke to the Israelites about the (                 ) of the Lord.


Answers and Meditation

7/10, 7/15


Humble, work, cut off

Being humble = do no work. The Lord warns and emphasizes, again and again, 'NO work.'

The Day of Atonement: Complete rest from the 9th day evening to the 10th day evening.


pilgrim festival, seven

Their future generations will know that the Lord made the Israelites live in temporary shelters. 

They needed to remember that the Lord provided their needs in their journey in the wilderness and finally gave them rest and blessings in Canaan. That's why they kept this feast after the harvest (verse 39). The feast of seven days means God's deliverance was complete. 

The word 'feast' ( Χ—ַ֥Χ’ HaaG (verses 6,34,39,41)) is used for 'the Feast of Unleavened Bread' and 'the Feast of Temporary Shelters.' They were to celebrate the beginning and the completion of God's deliverance. However, ironically, the way of celebration was not that amusing: eating unleavened bread and staying in booths. Thus, they would hope for a better deliverance that God would prepare through Jesus Christ.

Appointed time

ΧžΧ•ֹΧ’ֵΧ“ (Mo-ed) appointed time or place. (verses 2, 4, 37, 41) The Lord designates the time and the place for us to meet Him. God designates for us how to meet Him: through Jesus Christ.

Therefore, even though we have the freedom of choosing place and time (John 2:21, 23“ a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem… when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth,” we’d better not change the time and the place of worship arbitrarily.

 ΧžִΧ§ְΧ¨ָא (Mi-K-Ra) gathering. assembly. (verses 3,7,8,21,24,27,35,36)


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