37. Daily worship and Pious Life (Lev 24:1-23)

Not only on special days of the year, like the feasts and seasons mentioned in the previous chapter, but also every day, they were to worship and serve the Lord. 

πŸ‘‰ Read Leviticus 24:1-23

The priest should keep the lamp burning from (               ) till (             ) and arrange the showbread once a week on (               ).

Why did they stone the son of an Israelite woman?

 “Whether hs is a (                       ) or a (                     ), when he misuses the Name he must be put to (             ).”


Answers and Meditation

Evening, morning, Sabbath.

It seems that the lamp was burning during nighttime. The word ‘continually’ would better be translated as ‘regularly.’

The Lord becomes their light while they live in this world of darkness.

The showbread of the previous week was given to the priests as holy food and a perpetual portion given by God.


He misuses the Name of God.

The Bible specially addresses that his father was an Egyptian and his mother was from the tribe of Dan.

The Lord will forbid marriage with the Canaanites, later in Deuteronomy.

In the Book of Judges, the Danite tribe was the tribe who abandoned their allotted land in Canaan, given by God, and moved to another place. 

Why does the story of the blasphemer follow the regulations of the lamp and the showbread? Our daily worship should result in our pious life every day. The completion of worship is life. 

Also, they needed to show due respect for humans because they bear God's image. Verses 18-20 and verse 21 both compare the punishments for taking animal lives and the punishments for taking human lives. 

Resident foreigner, native citizen, death 

Verses 16 and 22 dictate such a uniform rule for the Israelites and the resident foreigners.

“I am the Lord Your God”

The Lord keeps reminding them of this authoritative statement. 


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