39. Sanctification of the Possession: house, debt, and slave (Lev 25:29-55)

The Lord wants to reveal His works of redemption and their identity in every part of their possession. 

πŸ‘‰ Read Leviticus 25:29-55

A house inside a city wall, when it is sold, has the redemption right of (         ) year. But the house of the Levites has a (           ) right of redemption. If not redeemed, it must be reverted in the (              ), for it is their (             ) given by the Lord.

“if your (         ) becomes imporvershied and in indebted to you, you must (             ) him; he must live with (            ) like a foreign resident.”

You must not take interest from the Israelites, for they are your (               ). I am the Lord (                  ) who brought you out of Egypt to be (                   ). You must not rule over them harshly like slaves, for they are (                 ) whom I brought them out from Egypt. You must (            ) the Lord.  


Answers and Meditation

One, perpetual, Jubilee, property

Other than the houses in a city wall, the Lord forbade them to acquire a permanent possession by themselves. Their property was given by God.


Brothers, support, you

They needed to support their fellow Israelites so that they could stay in their inherited land without leaving looking for food.


Brothers, your God, your God, my servants, fear

They were God’s servants. They were not supposed to be sold in a slave sale.

The Lord is involved in every part of their possession. They should fear their God.

They should redeem their brothers, the Israelites, when they were sold to foreign residents among them.


Here we can find three reasons why we should treat other Christians well. 

  • They were our brothers. 
  • The merciful Lord is our God. We should follow His ways. 
  • They are God’s children, more than His servants. We should show due respect for them.

Also, we learn that our God wants to redeem us from bondage. The Bible keeps saying that the Lord has brought them out of the land of Egypt (38, 42, 55)


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