42. Restoration through Repentance (Lev 26:39-46)

At the moment when the Lord gave them commandments, He warned them of their disobedience and provided a way of restoration. Did the Lord already know they would sin?

πŸ‘‰ Read Leviticus 26:39-46

“They will rot away because of (                ) iniquities and (                       ) iniquities.”

What are the three components of repentance according to verses 40-41?

When they repent, the Lord will remember His covenant with (              ), Isaac, (             ), and their (                 ) whom the Lord brought out from Egypt.


Answers and Meditation

their, their ancestors'

Note that their ancestors' iniquities contributed some portion of their punishment. Such joint liability seems unfair for those who are used to the individualized culture. However, the theology of joint liability made Jesus’ redemption for us possible.

Later, the Lord releases them from this joint liability. “The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son.” (Ez 18:20).


Confess your sins,

Humble your uncircumcised heart

Make up for your sins

Interestingly, there is no requirement of not-sinning again. And you need to compensate for any brokenness or damage caused by your sins.

The land's desolation was to make up for the Sabbath they had violated.


Jacob, Abraham, ancestors

Not remembering the covenant does not mean revoking it. Before their repentance, the covenant was dormant and inactive, to say in human words.

When they repent, the Lord starts to fulfill the covenant.

“In spite of this, I will not abhor them to make a complete end of them.” (44). The Lord is faithful and patient to wait for us to be ready as His covenant partner.


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