09: Voluntary Offering of Tribal Leaders (Num 7)

The leaders’ offering could be interpreted as the nation agreeing on the terms for the Lord’s residence (Tabernacle) among them.

πŸ‘‰ Read Numbers 7:1-17, 78-89

Each tribal leader presented (      ) ox and 1/2 cart. Moses gave two carts to the (              ) of the Levites and four to the Merarites. No cart for the Kohathites because they carried the holy things by their (            ).

Each tribal leader brought a silver platter of (              ) shekels and a silver bowl of (        ) shekels full of olive oil, and a gold pan of (     ) shekels full of incense. Each leader brought one bull, one ram, and one male lamb for a burnt offering. For a purification offering, they brought one male goat. For peace offerings, they brought (            ) animals in total.

The Lord asked them to offer one person each day. Write the tribal order of presenting offerings. (            ) – Issachar – Zebulun – (               ) – Simeon – Gad – (             ) – Manasseh – Benjamin – (             ) – Asher – Naphtali.


On what occasion did they offer?


Answers and Meditation

One, Gershonites, shoulders

Their offering lessened the burden of the Levites when they carried heavy objects of the Tabernacle.  


130, 75, 10, 17

130 shekels = 1.5Kg

75 Shekels = .86Kg

Gold 10 shekels = 115 grams = $7,000 today’s value.


Judah, Reuben, Ephraim, Dan

This order is the same order in how they camp and travel.


On the dedication of the altar


Many offerings from voluntary will, not required by God, represent their joy and warm acceptance of the Lord’s Tabernacle among them. And this offering helped the Levites’ labor.

The Lord’s speaking to Moses from the atonement lid shows that the Lord accepted their offerings and will use this place as His residence. The first incident of God’s speaking in the Tabernacle vivified the tent as the house of living God.

We hope our church leaders devote their lives, which secures the ministry. God’s word must be spoken in our church, which vivifies the church.


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