11: Passover and Clouds’ Leading in Wilderness (Num 9)

In the first month of the second year of Exodus, the Lord asked them to keep the Passover for the first time after leaving Egypt.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Numbers 9:1-23

In the Jewish calendar, the Passover was 1/14. God allowed those who could not participate in the 1/14 Passover to keep the second Passover. When is the second Passover?

What will happen to those who intentionally don’t keep the Passover?

How did God guide their travel in the wilderness?

They camped at the (            ) of the Lord, and at the (            ) of the Lord, they traveled on.

Answers and Meditation

The fourteenth day of the second month


He must be cut off from his people.

Excommunication is the second most severe punishment.

If you don’t keep the Passover without reason, you don’t take the importance of God’s deliverance from Egypt as much as you should. The Passover deliverance made the Israelite community exist and identified them as God’s people. Therefore, anyone who doesn’t keep the Passover doesn’t deserve to belong to the community.

The Passover is like the Holy Communion for Christians.


By the clouds

The Bible repeatedly says they should depart and camp as the clouds lead. And it is the way the Lord led them. Following the clouds was obeying the Lord’s commandment.

Some places will be better to stay, but they must depart when the clouds lift up. Some places might have difficulty getting water, so people don’t want to stay there. However, as long as the clouds stay there, they should stay.



As we live in this wilderness, there are two things to remind. 

1. We should not forget the sacrifice of the cross that makes us to be God's people.

2. We should follow God's guidance. The wilderness is not the final destination. Thus, they need to move on. They needed the guidance of the Lord by the clouds. As the clouds was God's method to guide them, the Word of God is God's method to guide us. You might have a preference for places and works; however, make His will to be the highest priority.

If you don't have any vision or goal for God's kingdom, you don't need any guidance from Him.


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