15: Craving that led to death (Num 11:21-35)

God gave them what they wanted but struck them. Why?

πŸ‘‰ Read Numbers 11:21-35

What was Moses’ response to God’s words of feeding them with meat for a month? (21-22)

When Joshua wanted to stop two elders who had not come to Moses’ summon but prophesying in their camps, Moses said, “Are you (             ) for me? I wish the Lord put his Spirit all (               ).”

When the wind from (              ) brought quail to their camp, they gathered it for (          ) hours without sleep. But before they ate the meat, the Lord struck them with a (             ) plague. The place was called (                      ), meaning ‘the grave of the one who craved.’


Answers and Meditation

It is impossible

Even Moses didn’t believe in God’s power, just like the people. But Moses didn’t complain about the Exodus.

Your lack of faith might not be punished, but your deliberate longing for the world would arouse God’s anger.


Jealous, the Lord’s people

Moses’ want was fulfilled by the Pentecostal revival in Acts chapter 2.


The Lord, 36, very great, Kibroth Hattaavah

God's giving you what you want doesn’t mean that God justified your desire. Don't say, "Look. God answered my prayer. It is God's will." God gave them meat to let them know God could feed them. If God doesn't give you what you want, not having it is good for you.

Therefore, they should apologize for complaining that God could not give them meat in the wilderness and regretting the Exodus. However, when they saw the quail, they gathered it crazily without a second thought; neither appreciated it. 

They experienced God’s power and mercy but failed to recognize God, for their craving was so intense. What hope exists for those who cannot recognize God who gave them; the more God blessed them, the more he indulges in the blessing?

Desire is not a sin. But we have to control our craving not to overtake our trust in God's way of provision. Some of the pleasures in the world were not given to us. It was to teach us that the end of the craving of our flesh is death.

They got what they wanted, and plague as well.


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