17: Thorough Investigation of the Land (Num 13:1-25)

They were leaders of twelve tribes. They were prominent and chosen in the world but failed to become the leaders of faith.

πŸ‘‰ Read Numbers 13:1-25

(                ) spoke to Moses, “Send out men to (                    ) the land of Canaan, which I am (           ) to the Israelites.”

Caleb was the leader of the tribe of (              ). Joshua was the leader of (                 ).

What was the mission of them? (two, 17-20)

Verses 21-25 describe their journey of investigation very detail. How many days was it?

 Answers and Meditation

The Lord, investigate, giving

Why did the Lord send spies instead of letting them enter the land immediately? (cf. In Deut 5, people asked Moses to send spies, and the Lord granted it)

The Lord wanted them to see how good the land was and how difficult to possess it. Thus, they needed to believe the promise. The Lord wanted to ensure that their possession of the land would be only by God’s power.

God's plan for our life is so beautiful and good. Thinking of it ignites our hearts to burn with passion. However, there are so many obstacles to accomplishing it. Don't drop the vision to choose the second option. Trust in the Lord! He will accomplish His vision for your life through His power.

Judah, Ephraim

The twelve leaders were given a chance to become the heroes of faith. However, most of them left shameful names in the Bible, except for these two people.

These two tribes would play dominant roles in the Israelite history.

Whether the land was good or bad, whether their cities were fortified.

God had already told them the land would be good and promised to give them the land regardless of the Canaanites. They didn’t need to investigate the land.

Then, what is the investigation for? Before, all seemed to have faith and desire for the land God was giving them. But the investigation disclosed their hearts, whether they trusted the Lord or not. It is just like the law exposes our sinful hearts.

Life’s challenge reveals whether you have faith or not.

Forty days

The Bible describes how thoroughly they investigated the land. Knowing more about the world but less trusting the Lord will lead you to despair and unbelief. Instead, try to know more about God and trust Him.

Struggle less and pray more.


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