18: Same Facts, Different Interpretation (Num 13:26-14:10)

All twelve spies brought the same report about the land and the Canaanites. But their interpretation was totally opposite.

πŸ‘‰ Read Numbers 13:26-14:10

What were the two facts in their report? (27-29)

What were the two things in Joshua and Caleb's words? (4:7-9)


Compare the interpretation of the ten spies (31-33) and the one of Joshua and Caleb (4:7-9). What made the two parties wrought totally opposite interpretations?


As they failed to grasp the Lord’s promise, they doubted (       )'s intention, regretted the exodus, and wanted to return to (                  ).


Answers and Meditation

The land was good. The inhabitants were strong.

They focused more on how strong the Canaanites were than on how good the land was. Maybe they had not expected their enemies would be that strong.

Our enemy is not human but Satan.

God’s promise and His vision come with two facts like this: abundant blessing and impossibleness to achieve it. Thus, we need faith.

The land was exceedingly good. If the Lord delights in us, we will have it.

However, to the men of faith, what matters is not their strength but their faith. Note that Joshua and Caleb didn't mention the strength of the Canaanites. 


Other spies focused on their weakness compared to the Canaanites.

Joshua and Caleb focused on the Lord’s willingness and obedience to the Lord.

Their weakness is a fact. But the men of faith relied on God’s power and willingness to conquer the land for them.

We will encounter stronger enemies as we march forward in God’s commands and vision. We should focus on obeying His words rather than looking for how to detour the obstacle.

We are strong not because of our ability but God's power who is with us (9).


God, Egypt

Without holding fast to the Word of God, you would doubt God’s good purpose throughout not-so-good situations and return to the non-Christian life.

How to interpret your life situation tells your faith. Let His word interpret the situation and facts, not your experience. Walk by faith, not by sight.


They got out of Egypt and came here to enter Canaan. God’s vision for them in the land of Canaan was not just to enjoy prosperity but to become God's holy nation. When they lost God’s vision in their hearts, whether Canaan or Egypt didn’t matter to them as long as they could survive.

Survival will become your first priority if you lose God’s vision. Even you will become a slave of the world to survive. 


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