21: The Land will be given by Grace, now (Num 15:1-21)

After they failed to enter the land, the Lord ordered them to add the grain offerings to their fire offerings in the land of Canaan.

πŸ‘‰ Read Numbers 15:1-21

Fill the table telling the amount of the grain offering and the drink offering for each sacrifice.

Sacrifice animal

Grain offering

Drink offering

A lamb

(          ) ephah of flour mixed with (         ) hin of olive oil

(           ) hin of wine

A ram

(          ) ephah of flour mixed with (         ) hin of olive oil

(           ) hin of wine

A bull

(          ) ephah of flour mixed with (         ) hin of olive oil

(           ) hin of wine


(            ) law and (           ) custom must apply to you and to the resident foreigner who lives among you.


Answers and Meditation

1/10, 1/4, 1/4

2/10, 1/3, 1/3

3/10, 1/2, 1/2

After God’s chosen people had failed, He decided to give the land by grace. It is also because of HIs promise given to Joshua and Caleb. As the Lord gave the land to the two faithful men, all other people entered along with them.

Because the land will be given by grace, they are to remember it by bringing the grain offering and the drink offering from the produce of the land.

This regulation only applies to burnt offerings or any freefill offering. Not for sin offering that, in fact, is not an offering, but a sacrifice to cleanse sins.


One, one

Verses 13 – 16 tell that this regulation will apply to anyone who resides among them (in the land of Canaan),  regardless of their race: Jews or Gentiles.

Failure of the Israelites brought Gentiles to be beneficiaries of God’s blessing, which comes by grace, not through their blood. This is the exact same as the salvation by Jesus' sacrifice that comes to the Gentile by grace. 


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