27: The Levite’s Inheritance (Num 18:20 - 32)

The first half of the chapter tells the responsibility of the priest and the Levites. The second half talks about their inheritance.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Numbers 18:20-32

The Lord spoke to Aaron, “You will have no inheritance in their (             ), nor will you have any property among (            ). I am your (                 ) among the Israelites.”


All the (              ) of Israel was given to the Levites as an (                  ) for the service that they performed. Thus, the Levites must bear the (                ) of the Israelites.


Verses 25 – 32 explain how the tithe of the Israelites becomes an inheritance for the Levites. The Levites should offer up a (          ) of the tithe as a (              ) offering to the Lord and give it to (             ) the priest. When they offer up their tithe with the (             ) part, the rest will be credited to the Levites as the product of their harvest.


Answers and Meditation

Lands, them, inheritance

This is the first passage that addresses no land inheritance for the Levites.

Note the expression, ‘no inheritance among them.’ The Levites were not part of the Israelites when they were counted. They stood against their brothers and friends for the sake of the Lord (Exodus 32:29). The Levites’ dedication to the Lord assumes the delineation from worldly relationships. “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:26)


Tithe, inheritance, iniquity

They must bear their iniquity (v23, NET). The meaning of this sentence is not clear. Various translations exist.

Here, I interpreted that the Levites bear the burden of the sins of the Israelites, and thus, they received the tithes from the Israelites.

The Levites were supposed to reveal God’s words to the people and to live on their tithes. They were spiritually and financially linked together. When the Israelites didn’t bring the tithe, the Levites suffered financially. When the Levites became unfaithful to the Lord, the nation went apostasy.


Tithe, raised, Aaron, best

The Levites should give their tithe to the priest. After that, they could eat it as their income. It is a proper procedure to deal with the Israelites' holy things (tithe).


18:1-7: Responsibility of the Priests and the Levites

18:8-19: How the priest should deal with the offerings

18:20-32: How the Levites should deal with the tithes.


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