34: Balaam's first oracle: How can I curse them (Num 22:36 – 23:10)

Balak called Balaam to curse Israel. But God made him bless Israel.

πŸ‘‰ Read Numbers 22:36 - 23:10

Balaam said to Balak, “I must speak only the word that (            ) puts in my mouth.” They climbed up a mountain and saw the camp of Israel. After offering sacrifices, Balaam said to God, “I have prepared (           ) altars and offed each altar a (            ) and a (           ).” Then, the Lord put a message in Balaam’s (             ).


This is Balaam’s first oracle about Israel. “How can I (           ) one whom God has not cursed. Who can number the fourth of (            )? Let the end of my life be like (             ).”


Answers and Meditation

God, seven, bull, ram, mouth

Balaam thought ample offerings were required to get a divination from God. It is a thought of a pagan religion: you need to offer to get God's favor.

The Lord’s message was put in Balaam’s mouth, not his heart, for his heart doesn’t accept the Lord’s message. In the Balaam narrative of chapters 22-24, the Lord repeatedly says that Balaam should speak only what the Lord tells him. His mouth was controlled by the Lord, but he didn’t yield his heart to the Lord.

Indeed, Balaam spoke only what the Lord put in his mouth. It seemed he obeyed God. However, his heart was not with the Lord, who wanted to bless Israel. Balaam later hinted to Balak how to bring disaster upon Israel. It was through their idolatry. In this way, the Moabites seduced the Israelites in Baal-Peor to sin before the Lord.


Curse, Israel, theirs

Verse 8: Balaam could not do anything against Israel, and against God’s providence

Verse 9: Balaam praised Israel above all nations

Verse 10: Balaam wanted to belong to Israel. “May my fate be like theirs!” (Num 23:10 TNK)

This is what Rom 8:28 testifies to. "We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose". The authority of the world and even the servant (Balaam) of God are trying to harm Israel, but God used their attempts to bless Israel. Stay in the Lord. You will join in His glory when everything bows down before Christ's feet.


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