03: The meaning of 'the Lord has given the land.' (Deut 2:1 - 25)

The time of wondering was almost done. Now, they detoured the region of Edom and Moab. The Lord didn’t want them to disturb those nations.

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 1:25 - 46

God commanded the Israelites not to conquer the land of three nations, Esau, Moab, and Ammon. Why? (find three verses)


Why do you think the Lord mentioned that Moab and Ammon have occupied the land of original inhabitants who are powerful and numerous? (v10, 21-23)


Why did the Lord make the Israelites wander the wilderness? (14-15)


This is the Lord’s command. “I have (             ) delivered to you their lands. Go ahead – (        ) it! This very day I will begin to fill all the people of the earth with (              ) when they hear about you.”


Answers and Insights

The Lord has given them their inheritance (Verses 5, 9, 19)


The Israelites will also conquer the land of Canaan.

You can find the meaning of ‘the Lord’s inheritance’ given to them as you compare three passages of verse 5, verses 9  – 12, and 19 – 23. Three passages state that the Lord has given them their lands and unfold the meaning of the Lord's inheritance. 

When the Lord gave them the lands, they needed to destroy the original inhabitants who were stronger than them. Then, how was it given by the Lord? Verses 19-23 tell that they conquered the lands by the power of the Lord. This was an example to Israel.

Though the Lord had given them Canaan, Israel needed to fight against stronger enemies. By the power of the Lord, they will triumph over them. This is how to receive the inheritance from the Lord.


Until they perish

The Bible says it was the Lord’s hand that eliminated them.

Possessing the land or dying in the wilderness, everything is in the Lord’s hand.


Already, take, dread

Take courage, go, and proclaim. This is what our Lord Jesus has said.

Invisible God works in invisible ways. But His invisible way is mightier than the sword.


Following will be a summary of the Lord’s message.

  • Do not provoke them, for the Lord has given them their inheritance.
  • Buy food from them. This is how the Lord provides now.
  • They had driven out the original inhabitants who were stronger than them (just as Israel did)
  • It is the Lord who destroyed their enemies before them
  • Go and take possession of the land.

The Lord's giving the land -> living with the Lord in His presence -> The ultimate inheritance is Himself through His spirit. He gave us everything in Jesus Christ.


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