06: Learn to revere the Lord through His statutes (Deut 4:1 – 31)

After a review of the failure and then the victory, both regarding the land, Moses exposits the nature of God. Thus, he emphasizes to his audience why they should keep the Lord’s statutes.

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 4:1 - 31

The first order for those entering the land was to ‘pay attention and keep the Lord’s statutes.’ Then, Moses reminded them of the consequence of disobedience and obedience (verses           ) 


What is the purpose of asking them to keep the Lord’s statutes? (6 – 8)


According to verses 9 – 14, we must heed the Lord’s words. It is because we should learn to (          ) God, not mechanically follow His words. Also, only through obedience might we experience God, for He didn’t (           ) any image but gave the Ten Commandments.


Moses explains three reasons not to make any image. They have seen (       ) form when the Lord spoke at Horeb. All those were made for them, God’s chosen people (verses           ). Also, God is a consuming (            ), a jealous God.


If they serve (         ) gods and do evil things before the Lord, the Lord (          ) removes them from the land and scatters them. There, they will serve gods made by (               ). However, even at that time, when they seek the Lord wholeheartedly, He will restore them, for He is (           ) and (              ).


Answers and insights


3 – 4

To reveal God to the nations

They will be called a great nation when they keep the law. Through the good behaviors of his people, God will be glorified.

However, what happened is the opposite. God was defamed because of His people. Nevertheless, God came down, bore the shame of the cross, and brought us up to the glory of His children.


Revere, reveal

Remember the law’s purpose: learning to revere the Lord.

Don’t forget how we sense God’s presence: keeping the law.


No, 16 – 20, fire

Here, Moses kept saying ‘to pay cereful attention’ to keep the Lord’s statutes.

Moses thought the denial of the land was due to his fault. For this part, see the previous posting.


Other, surely, human hands, merciful, faithful

Idolatry will lead you to do evil eventually.

The final punishment is to let them serve other gods that can’t do anything.

God is not obligated to recover their fortune when they return to the Lord. God’s mercifulness will be upon those who suffer, and his faithfulness will be for their ancestors whom God promised.


How and how much to pay attention to the Lord’s statutes?

  • Do not add or subtract from it. And keep it.
  • Keep the law until other nations acknowledge the Lord
  • Teach to your children
  • Know God’s nature: invisible and jealous
  • Know His sure punishment.


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