08: The Ten Commandments: If only they would fear and obey me. (Deut 5:1 – 33)

Moses narrates the Ten Commandments again here, which was first proclaimed in Exodus chapter 20.

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 5:1 - 33

Before stating the Ten Commandments, Moses addresses two things. They were those that God made a covenant with (verses         ). The Lord who brought them out of (              ) is giving these commandments.


As the Lord gave the Ten Commandments, He explained why He was asking so. Fill the table.



Do not worship idols

Our God is a jealous God.

Do not misuse the name of God.


Keep the Sabbath


Honor your parents



They feared a direct encounter with God and asked Moses to mediate with God. They said they would keep all the words of God delivered by him. Then God said, “They have spoken (          ). If only it would really be their desire to (        ) me and obey all my commandments so that it may go well with them and their descendants (           )!”

“Be careful, therefore, to do exactly what the Lord your God has commanded you; do not turn (         ) or (        )! Walk just as he has commanded you so that you may (         ) in the land you will possess.”


Answers and Insights

2-5, the slavery

They did not hear from their ancestors about this Law of God. They heard directly from the Lord. They could not make an excuse that it was not they but Moses who had heard from the Lord because they wanted a mediator.

They heard from the Lord and were responsible for keeping it for others who didn’t hear it. So that others could see the Lord in them. If you are known of God, you are responsible for letting others know God through your obedience.

The Lord delivered them from slavery. He wants to deliver His people from the slavery of sin as well.


The Lord will not exonerate anyone who abuses His name

The Lord your God brought you out of slavery

Keeping the Sabbath will free you from the burden of work. Also, for your servant’s rest, you must keep the Sabbath.

Rest and peace are God’s will for us.


It may go well with you on the land

Note that the Lord might or might not explain why for His command.


Well, fear, forever

The Lord’s blessing is His intention through the law.

Without revering the Lord, your obedience isn't genuine. Without love, your work couldn’t be counted as good.


Left, right, live

God’s purpose in the law was to make us live.

In the land, they should live as God’s people. Note that the Lord keeps repeating ‘in the land.’ 


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