11: Dispossess the Canaanites: Eradicate their ways of worship. (Deut 7:12 – 26)

In the second part of Ch 7, the Lord explains why they need to annihilate the Canaanites. The Lord doesn’t want the Israelites to serve God as the Canaanites serve their gods.

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 7:12 - 26

"If you obey, the Lord will faithfully (           ) covenant with you as he promised (                  ). You will be blessed beyond (         ) peoples."


These are how the Lord fights for His people. (1) The Lord will judge the enemies with signs and (              ) as He did to (             ) to all the people they fear. (18-20) (2) The Lord will be (              ) among them. He will remove their enemies (          ) by (            ). They will experience continual victories while their enemies panic. (21 – 24)


Why does the Lord ask them to destroy the pagan idols?


Answers and Meditations

keep, your ancestors, all

God promised their ancestors to bless them and their descendants. It was God’s election of grace. Now, the fulfillment of the promise will come through the obedience of the descendants. The obedience of Christ has made the promise of Abraham be fulfilled. The promise was given by grace, fulfilled by obedience, and applied to us by faith. 

God doesn’t want His people to serve Him only for blessings as the Canaanites did. God promised blessing and security. They didn’t need to seek other gods. Thus, He ordered to eradicate the paganism in the land.


Wonders, Egypt

Amazingly, God sends hornets to destroy their enemies who are hiding.

God brings victory to His people in miraculous ways that only God can do. Thus, He reveals Himself.


Present, little, little

The Lord's hands are invisible but mighty. Also, our victory is guaranteed because of His presence with us.

Removal of the Canaanites little by little symbolizes our process of sanctification.


These two characterize God’s salvation: the wonderful cross and Immanuel until the complete victory.


They are abhorrent to the Lord.

The Bible says if you keep something detestable to the Lord with you, His wrath will come to you. 

We must detest anything that God detests. 

Meditation for the previous passage (Deut 7:1-11)

Note that the Lord will hand the Canaanites over to the Israelites. And they, not the Lord, need to destroy the Canaanites. Until the Lord hands them over to them, they should not make any peace treaty with them. When the Lord gives them victory, they need to annihilate them. 

Until the Lord gives us complete victory, we should not compromise with worldly ways. When success is given to us, we should not cling to money or fame.


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