14: Warning #3: They survived through Moses' prayer (Deut 9:15 – 29)

Though they were stubborn and rebellious, through Moses’ plea, the Lord forgave them.

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 9:15 - 29

They have rebelled against (            ) again and again and provoked His anger. Though Moses was terrified by the Lord’s (             ) anger, he prayed for them, and the Lord answered.


Find verses that state their continuous rebellion.


Find verses that Moses address the Israelites as the Lord’s valued property.


What is Moses’ rationale that the Lord should forgive them?


The Lord, intense

Moses risked his life when he came to the Lord in His intense anger and asked for their forgiveness.



Verses 15-24 say that the Israelites were rebellious always and thus provoked the Lord’s anger from time to time. Every time, Moses pleaded for them. Therefore, they should know Moses’ prayer made them survive and enter the land.

It is the same for us. While we were sinners and ignorant of God's wrath toward us, Jesus died for our sins. Jesus’ plea saved us from God’s wrath.

Note that your well-being shouldn’t be interpreted as God’s approval of your life.  


26, 29

Moses repeatedly addressed the Israelites as ‘your people’ while the Lord had called them as Moses’ people in His anger in verse 12.


For God’s reputation

Remember your servant Abraham; ignore the wickedness of this people. This should be our prayer for your friend or someone. “Close your eyes on his sin, but only look at Jesus Christ who died for him.” We should see that person the same way. Don’t look at his fault, but the blood of Jesus in his heart.


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