15: Warning #3: Cleanse your heart and stop being stubborn (Deut 10:1 – 22)

This is the conclusion of the historical review.

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 10:1 - 22

How many times do you find the expressions telling ‘the same tablets’ or ‘the same words’?


The events in verses 1 – 11 are not chronological but logical. God forgave the Israelites according to Moses’ plea. The forgiveness consists of the restoration of three. What are they? (1-5, 6-9, 11)


What the Lord wants from us is to (          ) Him and to (           ) His commandments that were given for our (             ).


God chose them by his love, not by their qualification. Therefore, they should cleanse their prideful (          ) and stop being (            ). For the Lord doesn’t take (            ), they should (          ) the Lord rather than just bringing offerings. Also, they reflect who God is through their lives by showing mercy to (               ) and making (         ) only by His name.


Answers and Meditations


The Lord renewed the broken relationship to the same covenant because of Moses’ intercession, not because they deserved it. But this time, Moses needed to make the stone tablets and an ark for them.


The covenant, the Levitical inheritance, and the promise of the land


Love, obey, good.

Two motivations for our obedience should be love and trust. We believe God’s commandments were given for our goodness.


Hearts, stubborn, bribes, love, the resident foreigner, oaths

Verses 14-15 imply God, who owns everything and lacks nothing, only chose their ancestors as His treasured possession. What other motivation than love could explain God’s sovereign election of Israel?

Moses commanded them two things.

  • Cleanse your hearts of pride and arrogance.
  • Stop being stubborn by insisting on your way and style while refusing God's way.


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