17: Worship in the Designated Place (#1 No other god) (Deut 12:1 – 31)

They should worship the Lord in the designated place and in designated ways. They should not follow the patterns of the Canaanite worship.

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 12:1-31

Not only the idol images but also the places of idol worship asked God to destroy them. And God asked them to worship God in one place where God would choose. They were not allowed to worship God in any place they chose. Why? (4, 8-9, 13)


Whether they are ritually pure or impure, they can eat (clean) animals in their towns ( T or F )

They need to eat their tithe with the Levites in their towns (T or F)

They should not eat the blood but pour it on the ground (T or F )

They should bring offerings to the chosen place (T or F )

They were allowed to learn good things from the pagan worships ( T or F)

Answers and Meditations

This is the first command from the Lord. He wants their worship done in a specific place and specific ways.

“You should not worship the Lord your God the way they worship their gods nor the way you think it best.”

Pagans worship their gods for material blessings. And their theology is of retribution and compensation. Their offering is a bribe to their gods, asking for blessings and favors.

The blessing of our God is His presence, more than daily provision. His way is grace, justice, and righteousness. The motive of His blessing is not our offering but His sovereign love and faithful promise. So much different is our God from the way they expect from a diety.

Thus, God didn’t want His people to approach that relationship with Him as a slave to their gods or an employer of their gods but as loving children of Himself, of love and trust.






The Lord wanted any acts of worship to be done in the place that He would choose. The Bible repeatedly says, 'there.'

The Lord didn’t name the place in this chapter. He just said, “the place He chooses for His name to reside” (11). During the wilderness journey, the tabernacle was the place. After they entered Canaan, Shiloh was the place of worship. Later, God chose David, and David chose Jerusalem. Thus, Jerusalem became the place of worship for a while.

After a while, the Son of God came and became the way to the Father. Now, there is no restriction on where to worship, but Jesus is the only way.



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