48: The inheritance on the East side (Num 32: 20 - 42)

The Lord gave them a land outside of Canaan as inheritance.

πŸ‘‰ Read Numbers 32:20 - 42

Moses said to them, “If you arm yourselves (               )  the Lord and cross the Jordan before the Lord until He drives out his (              ) from his presence, and the land is subdued (               ) the Lord, this land will be your (               ) in the Lord’s (            ).”


Moses confirmed this contract in the presence of Eleazar, (               ), and the leaders. The two tribes once again confirmed that they would cross armed in the Lord’s presence into the land of Canaan so that the east side of the Jordan would become their (                ).


Who called the cities after their names? (two)


Answers and Meditations

Before, enemies, before, possession, sight

Note that Moses added the phrase, 'before the Lord,' to their proposal. Moses clarified the following point.

Even though they said they would fight until all Israelites got their land, they could reluctantly participate in the battles. How to tell if they were supporting the Canaan war wholeheartedly? Moses emphasizes that they should do this before the Lord, who sees their hearts. They cannot deceive the Lord.

Through such devotion, the Lord will approve the land as their inheritance. One’s inheritance is the land through which the Lord’s promised blessing will be accomplished.


Joshua, inheritance

Moses confirmed this contract with them so they could keep it in the future.


Jair, Nobah

Naming their cities after their names implies they settled down there completely.

Interestingly, the Lord gave them the land, not Canaan, as their inheritance. This land is a bonus.

One more thing: at the beginning of this chapter came the two tribes asking for the land. But later came also the half-tribe of Manasseh.

All these statements carry the same theology. As long as two tribes joined the Canaanite conquest war with the other tribes, the non-Canaanite land would be regarded as Canaanite. The Gentiles and the Jews are God's family as long as they have received the Holy Spirit. Whether we eat meat or not, we do it for God's glory.


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