21: The Three Feasts (#4 Sabbath law)(Deut 16:1 – 17)

By keeping the three feasts, they were to remember the moment of their salvation and to appreciate the Lord’s blessing in the land.

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 16:1 - 17

What are the two specific requirements in keeping the Passover? (2-8)


The feast of weeks was (         ) weeks after the first harvest. They rejoiced before (              ) with family, slavers, and the social outcasts. They were to remember they were (            ) in Egypt.


This is for the feast of temporary shelters. “You are to celebrate the festival (          ) days before the Lord; for He will bless you in (     ) your productivity and in (            ) you do.”


Answers and Meditations


In the place the Lord your God chooses

No yeast

These two requirements are repeated through verses 2-8.

They are to remember for the rest of their lives the day they came out of Egypt.


Seven, the Lord, slaves

They were to share the Lord’s blessings with the needy and to rejoice before the Lord.


Seven, all, whatever

They expect God’s future blessings when they keep the feast.

Four observations.

  • They should keep three feasts in the place God will choose.
  • They are to remember their past lives and the moment of salvation, appreciate and rejoice for the present, and expect future blessings. 
  • They are to bring according to the Lord's blessings, not empty-handed.
  • They are to share the Lord's blessings with others. This is the second part of the Sabbath law: let your servants enjoy the Lord's blessings and rest.

Keeping the feasts worked as a mark of the chosen people. So was the Sabbath.


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