26: Other Laws concerning human life (#6 no murder) (Deut 21:1 – 22:8)

The command ‘do not murder’ should be extended to its full measure and completeness. They needed to remove the guilt of unresolved murder, keep the dignity of the female slave, respect the patrilineal inheritance, and preserve various lives.

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 21:1 - 22:8

When a homicide victim is found, and no one knows the murderer, the elders of the nearest town must do a ritual of atonement through the death of a heifer. What is the purpose of doing so? (7-9)

If you had made your female slave your wife, you can divorce her but not (            ) her. For a man with two wives, if his less-loved wife’s son is the firstborn, let him inherit the (           ) portion. He should not show favoritism according to his affection for one of his wives. When a son doesn’t listen to his parent, he is like a glutton and (            ).

Why should they not leave the corpse on the tree of execution overnight?

When you see someone’s lost possession, do not (          ) it. You must not refuse to get (              ).




To remove the guilt of the bloodshed.

The Lord wants us to be free from any guilt of sin in our hearts. However, we tend to live in various guilts from unrepented sins. Confess, be forgiven, and be freed from the burden.

The heifer and the valley should not have been touched by human hands.


Sell, double, drunkard

Verse 9 says, “You must do what is right before the Lord.” All such behaviors were evil before the Lord, though some were not directly linked with any of the Ten Commandments.

In this way, as we know what is right in the sight of the Lord, we should follow that even though that specific command is not dictated in the Bible.


They must not defile the land given by the Lord.

In that land, the Lord doesn’t want His anger to continue after sunset, which starts a new day. For the land is the land of the covenantal blessing.

Because of this verse, the Jews requested to remove Jesus’ body from the cross on that afternoon.


Ignore, involved

Helping others requires your time and your life involved. We would have no hope if Jesus had not been involved in our desperate situation, though that involvement demanded his life.


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