30: Respect for human dignity (#9 no false testimony) (Deut 24:8 – 25:4)

Avoid pushing someone into a situation with no way out. Honor the dignity of everyone. Commentators say that this chapter is related to the ninth commandment.  

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 24:8 - 25:4

The creditor should take no security deposit from the debtor. (T or F)

If the deposit is essential for his/her living, you should return it. (T or F)

For some unraked grain left in the harvest field, you should gather it and give it to the poor. (T or F)


In general thoughts, justice stands when people receive what they deserve. However, this passage calls helping the needy and compassion on the oppressed a just deed, something we ought to do. (verses 13, 17) Why do we need to show mercy to others? (verses 18, 22)


What is the maximum number of beatings as a punishment for a crime? Why is the limit?(25:1-3)




The creditor should wait outside. Both cases of getting into the house and taking whatever he wants or not taking any security could humiliate the debtor.



Let the poor come and take the grain by themselves. In this way, their dignity could be honored.

Because the Lord commands this

Benefiting from God’s mercy, they ought to show mercy to others.

The Lord’s forgiving us is an act of mercy. Our forgiving others is an act of duty.

“Unless you forgive your brothers from your heart, your heavenly Father would not forgive you.”



Not to view their fellow Israelite, the criminal, with contempt

We are all sinners. We should have a proper balance between punishing a person and honoring his dignity.


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