31: Other laws (#10 do not covet) (Deut 25:5 – 19)

Coveting other’s property fringes God’s sovereignty, who gave inheritance to each family.

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 25:5 - 19

When a man refuses to marry his dead brother’s wife and maintain his brother’s family line, she could bring this issue to the (           ) of the town. If he refuses to listen to them, she would remove his (            ) from his foot and spit in his (          ). She will say, “Thus may it be done to any man who does not maintain his (                )’s family line.”


Why is the punishment so harsh for her as in verses 11 – 12?


Why does God command the Israelites to get rid of the Amalekites?


Elders, sandal, face, brother

Here, we know preserving one’s name in Israel, through handing his inheritance (land) down to his offspring, was so important. The firstborn from the widow and her husband’s brother will inherit the land of the deceased brother. And thus, his name will be preserved together with the land. Anyone who refuses to marry his brother’s widow will get shame.

The Bible says preserving one’s brother’s family line is his duty. (5, 7)


She gained an unfair advantage over her husband's adversary in hand-to-hand fighting.


The Amalekites attacked the Israelites from the rear side when the Israelites were exhausted.


Coveting is looking for a sly way to get it because you can't get it through legal ways. Seeking fairness and fulfilling your own duty will keep you from coveting other’s property. Admitting God’s sovereignty. 


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