32: Presentation of the Firstfruits and 3rd-year Tithe (Deut 26:1 – 19)

In the land, they are to present the firstfruits and the third-year tithe to celebrate the fulfillment of the covenantal promise and re-affirm the covenantal relationship with the Lord.

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 26:1 - 19

(1 – 4) They presented the firstfruits with a confession that the Lord had given them the (             ) as He had promised to their ancestors.


(5 – 11) And you are supposed to confess the Lord’s blessing for you. “A (            ) Aramean was my ancestor, and he went down to Egypt and became a (            ) nation there. In our suffering in Egypt, He heard our cry and saw our (                 ). He brought us out of Egypt with signs and (             ). Then He gave us this land, a land of milk and (            ).” You will celebrate all (          ) things the Lord your God has done for you and your community.


What do they need to do before asking for God’s blessing? (13-14)

Verses 16 – 19 conclude chapters 12 – 26, which tell the Lord’s statutes and ordinances. Today, they confirmed their covenantal relationship with the Lord. When faithfully follow His words, what would be their reward?




“When you enter the land,’ (1) “you harvest from the land.” (2) “I have come into the land,” (3) “I have brought the first of the ground’s produce.” (10) All these expressions imply that the Firstfruits Offering would be a confession of fulfilling the Lord’s promise.


Wandering, great, humiliation, wonders, honey, good

These are what the Lord has done for them.


I brought the 3rd-year tithe.

I have kept your commandments.

The third-year tithe was called a 'sacred offering' that belongs to the Lord, not mine.

Verse 15 is a prayer to reaffirm the covenantal relationship with the Lord. 


The Lord will elevate them above all the nations.

They will be a people holy to the Lord.

“Holy to the Lord.”When you keep obeying His words, He will use your life as His instrument to reveal who He is to the world.


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