33: The ceremony on Mt Ebal and Mt Gerizim (Deut 27:1 – 26)

The Lord asked them to perform a ceremony on the two mountains as soon as they entered the land.

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 27:1 - 26

Right after they cross the (                  ) and enter the (          )  the Lord is giving them, they must erect stones on Mt Ebal and inscribe on them all the words of God. After offering burnt offerings and (              ) offerings, the tribes of Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Joseph, and Benjamin will proclaim the words of blessings on (                   ). The tribes of Reuben, Gad, Asher, Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali will proclaim the words of curse on (                    ).


The Levites will proclaim curses, and the people must answer ‘Amen.’  For each curse, find a related command from the Ten Commandments. (refer to Ch 5 for the Ten Commandments).


Cursed is the one who

The related commandment

makes a carved or metal image


disrespect parents


Moves his neighbor’s boundary stones


Misleads a blind person on the road


Commits bestiality


Kills his neighbor


Refuses to keep the words of God’s law




Jordan River, land, fellowship, Mt Gerizim, Mt Ebal

Two mountains are located at the center of Canaan. The land is extraordinary, where the Lord resides and wants to implement His kingdom. That's why He wants His people to keep His statutes so that His justice and goodness will be manifested throughout all nations. Remember that the Lord didn’t give the Ten Commandments while they were in Egypt. Those living in God's chosen land were given these statutes and ordinances.

For the same logic, we are to live holy, for the Spirit of God lives in us. We are God’s temple.

Note that the Levites also counted one of the tribes. Joseph's tribe was not divided into Manasseh and Ephraim.  


Cursed is the one who

The related commandment

makes a carved or metal image

Do make any image

disrespect parents

Honor your parents

Moves his neighbor’s boundary stones

No false testimony or do not covet

Misleads a blind person on the road

No false testimony (?)

Commits bestiality

No adultery

Kills his neighbor

No murder

Refuses to keep the words of God’s law

Serve your God (the 1st)


As the photo below shows, Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Ebal sit across each other. And they are not far away that they can hear from each other. 

These two mountains are located at the center of Canaan.


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