35: Curses by defeat and deportation. Curses by reversed status (Deut 28:25 – 46)

Shockingly, the consequence of disobedience will be such horrible curses, not merely a lack of blessings. Is God fair?

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 28:25 - 46

Find the verses of blessings that are opposite to following curses.

“You will attck them from one direction, but flee from them in seven directions” (v25) <-> (        )

“They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them”(v44) <-> (       )


When they are not careful to keep all His commandments, the Lord will make them defeated in the battle (verses           ). The Lord will (              ) them with diseases and looting. All these will happen in their very (            ), and they will go (           ) from seeing all this. (27 – 35) They and their (          ) will be deported to a foreign nation and serve other (         ) of wood and stone (36).


Note the expressions: ‘become an object of terror’ (25), ‘before your very eyes’ (31), ‘you will go insane’ (34), ‘become an occasion of horror’ (37), ‘these curses will be a perpetual sign’ (46). What is the purpose of the curses?


Verse 7

Verse 12


Verses 25-26,


It is the Lord who afflicts them. You cannot escape from it before He stops.

Eyes, insane

You will realize that you cannot do anything while you see those things happening. In such a situation, surrender to the Lord and entrust everything to Him. Otherwise, you will go insane.

King, gods

King was supposed to protect the people. Now, no hope for them.


Their suffering was to give an object lesson to all nations, including the Israelites.

God wanted to reveal His goodness through the blessings from their obedience (verse 10). But His wrath was revealed through the curses from their disobedience. Either way, it reveals who the Lord is. The cross revealed His justice and mercy.

We are here to reveal who God is to the world.

What matters is your attitude and willingness to keep God’s words. God would not bring curses when you fail one commandment. God sees if you are inclined to listen to Him. If you are willing to obey but fail occasionally, God will patiently await your obedience. In Israel history, they persistently rebelled and went away from God and worshipped the idols. They ignored the Lord their God and didn’t care about His commandments (verse 15). That’s why the nation fell. 

Why does God curse all the more in disobedience than blessings in obedience? The curse is not just a punishment for their deeds. It shows God's wrath. God doesn't give up His people but teaches and cleanses them so they can learn to revere the Lord and obey.


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