38: Covenant Reaffirmation & Exhortation to Obedience (Deut 30:1 – 20)

It overwhelms us when we hear that we are to keep all the commandments. What if I fail one of them? Would I be punished for eternity? God will restore you when you repent. Also, what God wants from you is your love.

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 30:1 - 20

As shown below, God would give them a second chance even after the nation's destruction. Arrange them according to the order in the passage.

·         God turns to them and brings them back to the land (Release from slavery)

·         They turn to God and obey (Repentance)

·         God rejoices over them and blesses them (Joyful Blessing)

·         God cleanses their hearts to love God (Sanctification to pure devotion)

Repentance – Release from slavery – Sanctification to pure devotion – Joyful blessing

It is God’s grace that, when they repent, God will restore them and do more than before (5).

This order also reflects how our faith grows. As you turn to the Lord, which is repentance, you will experience freedom from the burden of sin. However, you would not yet fully devote to the Lord because of your sinful heart. The Lord will lead you into sanctification through the circumcision of the heart so that you will love and obey God wholeheartedly and enjoy joyful fellowship with the Lord.

“This commandment I am giving you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it too remote. … For the thing is very near you. It is in your (          ) and in your (          ) so that you can do it.”

Mouth, mind

God wants to see if we really love Him and try to follow His words rather than if we mechanically and reluctantly follow His commands.

They always recited the word of God. Thus, Moses said God's commandments were in their mouth.

Jesus Christ became the word for us. “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Rom 10:9)

“Look! I have set before you today (        ) and (              ) on the one hand, and (         ) and (             ) on the other.” 

Life and prosperity, death, disaster.

The Lord always sets life and death before us and asks us to choose the life.

Write down the three verbs of your action in verse 16 when you choose life and blessings.

Love the Lord your God,

Walk in his ways,

Obey his commandments

Loving God is the mark of mature faith. Not loving the Lord is the start of rebellion.

Moses solemnly assured that they were to choose between life and death. Who would be the witnesses of this announcement? 

The heaven and the earth.

Heaven and earth will exist beyond their generation and thus become the witnesses.


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