39: Moses’ leadership ends & gloomy future (Deut 31:1 – 30)

Moses encouraged the people and Joshua and entrusted the word of God to the Levites. The Lord forecasts their rebellion in the future.

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 31:1 - 30

(1 – 8) Now, Moses would not lead the Israelites anymore. What are Moses’ encouraging words for the people and Joshua? What were the two reasons for that encouragement? (6, 7-8)

Be strong and courageous

The reason of courage:

1)    For the people: the Lord will go before them, and Joshua will lead them

2)    For Joshua: he needs to lead the people (7), the Lord is with him (8)

See how often the Lord says He will go before them and destroy their enemies. Every verse of 3 ~ 8, except verse 7, says this.

Verses 14 -23 explain why courage is required to be a leader. They are sinful and rebellious. They will keep resisting and act against God's will. Therefore, their leader should be courageous to lead them according to God’s will. (23)

(9 – 13) How will they teach their children to fear the Lord and obey His commandments?

At the appointed time, the Feast of Shelters, of debt cancellation every seven years, the priests and the elders will read the law before all the people.

(14 – 23) When the Lord commissioned Joshua to be a leader of the Israelites, He foretold him of their future rebellion. “They will (           ) themselves with the gods in the (          ). Then, I will (        ) my face, and disasters will come. Even though their wickedness caused the trouble, they will say, ‘It is because (             ) is not among us.’ Therefore, write down a (         ) and teach it to the Israelites. After many generations, this (          ) will testify against them when disasters come because of their sins. I know their innate sinfulness. Therefore, be (          ) and courageous, for you are to lead this sinful people. (                   ).”

 (14 – 23) When the Lord commissioned Joshua to be a leader of the Israelites, He foretold him of their future rebellion. “They will ( prostitute ) themselves with the gods in the (land ). Then, I will ( hide  ) my face, and disasters will come. Even though their wickedness caused the trouble, they will say, ‘It is because ( Our God ) is not among us.’ Therefore, write down a ( song ) and teach it to the Israelites. After many generations, this ( song ) will testify against them when disasters come. I know their innate sinfulness. Therefore, be ( strong  ) and courageous, for you are to lead this sinful people. ( I will be with you  ).”

Moses knew that the Israelites would turn away and serve other gods. What is the purpose of putting the scroll of the law in the ark of the covenant? 

As a witness against them when disaster comes of their rebellious sins.

In the future, King Josiah will find the scroll of the law, realize their sin has brought troubles, and reform the nation by removing idols.


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