43: The Death of Moses (Deut 34:1- 12)

Though there would be no prophet like Moses, he only saw the land God promised but was not allowed to enter it.

πŸ‘‰ Read Deuteronomy 34:1- 12

The Lord showed Moses the (          ) land of Canaan and told him, ‘This is the land I promised. I have let you (      ) it, but you will not cross over (         ).’

The Lord showed Moses the ( whole ) land of Canaan and told him, ‘This is the land I promised. I have let you ( see  ) it, but you will not cross over ( there  ).’

The land of Naphtali, near the Sea of Galilee, or the Mediterranean Sea is too far from Mt. Nebo for Moses to see with his bare eyes. The list in verses 3 – 4 implies the whole extent of Canaan.

Note that Deuteronomy ends with the death of its author, Moses. And his mission was not completed. However, he could rest in peace for the Lord confirmed to give the land to the Israelites soon.

Find the expressions implying that Moses’ death was intended by God

“as the Lord had said” “but his eye was not dull nor had his vitality departed”

Moses was a special prophet and a mediator of the law. However, Moses’ failure to enter the land implies God didn’t mean to provide salvation through the law.

Verses 10 – 12 explain how special Moses was. The Lord delegated His authority to (           ) (10). Moses knew the Lord (       ) to (         ) (11). Through signs and wonders, Moses revealed the power of the Lord in (         ) of all (12) 

Verses 10 – 12 explain how special Moses was. The Lord delegated His authority to ( Moses ) (10). Moses knew the Lord ( face ) to ( face ) (11). Through signs and wonders, Moses revealed the power of the Lord in (  view  ) of all (12)

As Moses anointed Joshua, he was filled with the Spirit. People acknowledged Moses’ authority came from God.

No prophet like Moses ever rose in Israel until Jesus. Authority of God, intimacy with God, and revealing God’s power were given to us in Jesus Christ.


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