01: The Beginning of the Gospel (Mark 1:1 – 20)

The gospel of Mark starts with ‘The beginning of the gospel.’ What is the gospel? While you read the Mark, try to find the statements of good news and investigate their responses. Why don't you learn more about what happened when the Gospel began?

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 1:1 - 20

John’s task was to proclaim the coming of the Lord so that people would ‘prepare the way for the Lord.’ How to prepare the way? (two, 4, 8)

Be baptized of repentance for the forgiveness of sins

Expect the baptism of the Holy Spirit

It is to prepare the road for the Lord to come into your life and become your King; thus, His kingdom will come to your life. It is to remove obstacles in your heart that resist the Lord’s reign. It is to surrender to His Lordship. Then, His Spirit starts leading your life, which is the coming of His kingdom

What is the voice from heaven when Jesus came up from the water?

“You are my one dear son; in you I take great delight.”

After the baptism, Jesus was driven to the wilderness by the SPIRIT of God. Note the contrast between His prestigious identity and rough ministry in the chaotic wilderness-like world.

This is Jesus’ first proclamation. “The time is fulfilled and the (                  ) is near. (             ) and believe the (            ).”

Kingdom of God, repent, gospel

We can assume that the gospel is something about the Kingdom of God: what the kingdom is, how it comes, and how to enter it.

Jesus’ healing is a foretaste of the Kingdom. And His messages explain how to enter the Kingdom.

What was Jesus’ promise when He called Peter (Simon) and Andrew?

Follow me, and I will turn you into fishers of people.

If you follow Jesus, He will make you the fisher of man. He will save your family and friends.

Becoming a fisher of men doesn’t sound interesting, especially for those in a self-centered culture.

Who did Jesus call? (four)

Simon, Andrew, James, John

When called, they ‘immediately’ followed Jesus, leaving their life behind. When people encounter Jesus Christ, they will follow Him like them. 

Here, we found three things about accepting the gospel: repent, anticipate the Holy Spirit, and follow Jesus upon calling you.  

Interestingly, Jesus started building a group of followers of Jesus, the church, before performing any miracle or preaching.

The first thing He did was to start building up a church. He wanted the church to accompany His ministry from the beginning so that the church would continue His remaining ministry until His return. This was the beginning of the Gospel and the beginning of the church.


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